Misaligned teeth and jaw May 21, 2014Case albumadmin MisalignedD is a cheerful homemaker with a DM001Her chin and lower jaw swing to the right as she bite together. DM002Teeth on her right side is higher than the left side. DM003Most of her upper teeth were filled with amalgam fillings. Her right front teeth were capped with crown and bridge. DM004Some of her lower back teeth had amalgam fillings. Her teeth were not symmetrically arranged. DM004AHer smile line is inverted. DM004BThe upper left front teeth are worn and are shorter than the right counterpart. DM005A splint was worn to reposition her lower jaw to the center. DM006The splint also increased the height of her bite. DM007This splint is made of hard plastic. It is worn at all times except during meals. DM008Once the new bite felt comfortable, a set of temporary crowns were made according to the new bite. DM009The smile test to check out all cosmetic aspects. Note her chin is repositioned to the center. DM010Her smile line is low, gum does not show when she smiles. We have decided not to change her gum line. DM011All her upper and lower teeth were capped with full ceramic crowns and bridges. DM012Teeth which she can be proud of. DM013The smile line is now in harmony. DM014Side view of well constructed crowns and bridges. 123left right